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Head Office

Saudi Pak Tower, 61 A- Jinnah Avenue
Islamabad – Pakistan
PH: +92-51-111-222-003
FAX: +92-51-111-222-004

Regional Offices

Karachi Office
Balad Trade Center-III, 11th Floor, D-75 Block-7, Scheme – 5, Clifton, Karachi – Pakistan
PH: +92-21-111-222-003
FAX:+ 92-21-111-222-004

Lahore Office

Office No.301, 3rd Floor
Tricon Corporate Centre
73-E, Main Jail Road Gulberg-II,
Lahore – Pakistan
PH: + 92-42-35817406-35817407-35817408
FAX:+ 92-42-35817409


Head office – Islamabad and Regional Offices (Lahore and Karachi) will remain open for business: Monday – Thursday: 9.00 am – 5:30 pm, Friday 9.00 am – 6:00 pm

Whistle Blowing Complaint Form

Please provide the following details for any actual / suspected event, or suspected breach of law(s) or regulation(s) that may adversely impact the Company in any way. Please note that you may be called upon to assist in the investigation, if required.

Note: Please follow the guidelines as laid out in the Whistleblowing Policy in the matter of filing your complaint.

    Whistleblower’s Contact Information
    Name *(Mandatory)

    Department/Agency/ Firm / Organization

    E‐Mail Address *(Mandatory)

    CNIC *(Mandatory)

    Contact Number *(Mandatory)

    Suspect’s Information
    Name *(Mandatory)



    Witnesses’s Information (If Any)

    Contact Number (If Outside Saudi Pak)

    Department / Organization

    E‐Mail Address (If Outside Saudi Pak)


    Briefly describe the event / concern and how you know about it. In case of more than one allegation, number each allegation and use as many pages as necessary.

    Details of event *(Mandatory)

    Place of event

    Date of occurrence of event

    Date of knowledge / awareness of event

    Other parties involved

    Any other additional details or information

    Please do not leave any column empty, if you have no information to provide in any column, please fill it with “N/A or Nil”